Visual Exploration
Benetton Logo

Benetton were looking for a partner to supply creative direction and forward thinking for a mobile first revamp of their current website.

Screen Layout Concept 1

Traditional horizontal menu layout fixed to top of page

Home page concept

Benetton Concept 1 Home

Product page concept 1

Benetton Concept 1 Product Page Alt

Product page concept 2

Benetton Concept 1 Product Page

Inside Benetton landing page concept

Benetton Concept 1 Inside Landing

Layout Concept 2

Mobile First Vertical Menu is utilised on desktop and mobile layouts

Product page concept 1

Benetton Concept 2 Product Page

Product list page concept with suggested stylised photography for children's clothing

Benetton Concept 2 List Page

Home page concept

Benetton Concept 2 Home
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