Personas & Customer Journeys
Rado Switzerland Logo

Established luxury watch makers Rado of Switzerland needed a site refresh, a luxury experience and a revised content strategy to re-energise their brand presence.

The discovery process was interdisciplinary and depended on close collaboration with the client in order to understand their business goals, the opportunities and the needs of their customers.

Together with the client, we could prioritise and align on solutions to ensure sustainability, scalability and profitability. Sharing knowledge and ownership of the solution helped us to stay true to the Rado culture and make every decision with business needs in mind.

Collaborating in workshops to explore and create proto-personas to help us understand the users' needs, their pain points, their feelings, their behaviours and their goals.

From this exercise, the group decided on five personas to develop, that would represent the Rado customer.

  • The Gifter
  • The Watch Enthusiast / Collector
  • The Practical
  • The Loyal
  • The Style Conscious

These five personas were discussed, refined and developed.

Each persona was brought to life in a story slide that would remain uppermost in our thinking and influence our thinking going forward, helping us create the best journeys and experiences for all types of Rado customers.

Customer Journeys tell the story of customer personas as they experience Rado across various touch points. These were workshopped with the client to establish the journey for each persona.

We benefit from journey maps to inform design by ensuring that we are supporting the user to achieve their goals. This information is useful in informing our decisions on how to create an experience that best meets the needs of specific customer types.


With the personas and journeys established, a Design Studio workshop allowed us to dig deep on the requirements for each page through high-level sketching. These initial "100mph thinking" sketches help us visualise the necessary features through analysis and discussion. Favourite stories and feature layouts were determined by voting with stars.

We used the paper prototypes from the Design Studio sessions as a starting point to begin wireframes which then ultimately turn into the final designs.

100mph Design 1
100mph Design 3
100mph Design 4
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